Conversation with a Refugee Lawyer

Friday, May 10 2024

2:00 pm

Online via Zoom

Refugee claimants are often overwhelmed when facing the uncertainties of the refugee determination system. Most Legal Aid lawyers who represent refugee claimants are constrained by limited hours and do not have the time to orient their clients on the legal process they face.

Refugee lawyer Kirk Olearnek goes the extra mile, sitting down with his clients to explain the details of the refugee claim process and inform them on what makes a refugee claim successful. During this online session, Kirk will share his insights and talk to us as if we were his own clients. Join us for this event and learn what makes a successful claim, common misconceptions about the refugee claim process, and what your refugee claimant clients can expect during their refugee hearing with the IRB.

Kirk Olearnek graduated UBC law in 1995 and has been practicing refugee law for 28 years. He works with refugee claimants from all over the world and is a popular Legal Aid lawyer.